Felix Rippy announces his completion of the Arkansas Teacher Corps Summer Institute Training Program

On July 13, 2020 by Felix Rippy

Felix Rippy and 20 other highly-qualified selected fellows have, in July of 2020, completed the rigorous Arkansas Teacher Corps training program leading to k-12 licensure in various in-demand subject matter areas. The link below takes the viewer to the “Growth Presentation” given by Professor Rippy regarding technology in the classroom at the end of the 7-week program and is recommended for teaching professionals of all levels as more and more classes urgently move online because the video at this link deals with classroom technologies:

This presentation has also been featured on Medium.com at this web address: https://medium.com/@felixrippy_98293/arkansas-teacher-corps-felix-rippy-completes-7-week-summer-licensure-institute-14cb3653a547?source=friends_link&sk=cee859cfdd0bca84d5c6b3e9c4c9e20e


The ATC Summer Institute is a seven-week intensive training program that prepares Fellows to teach in high-need areas of Arkansas. Fellows gain foundational skills in four core areas of development: instruction, relationships, consciousness, and change. Institute combines authentic classroom experience in a summer school setting with professional learning communities, guest speakers, and community partnerships to facilitate the most transformative learning environment possible both for teachers and summer school students.